
Our research explores the olfactory cortical networks’ ability to store memories.

We aim to identify the neural changes that support memory and causally test their influence on memory-driven behavior. To do so, we leverage quantitative behavioral analysis, electrophysiological and optical monitoring of neural populations, and a broad array of tools for selectively influencing neural activity. We focus on odor recognition memory as a simple model that captures the fundamental features of information storage in biological neural networks. From this foundation, our interests extend to research topics including social recognition, how the cell biology of aging affects memory, how odors can evoke rich and vivid episodic memories, and the molecular systems neuroscience of memory persistence.

Recognition (Odors)

We focus on olfaction as a means to deeply explore the neurobiological mechanisms of memory.

The challenge of remembering and recognizing arbitrary combinations of odor molecules is analogous to capturing the varied elements that make up daily multisensory experience. Our research explores the ability of olfactory cortical networks to spontaneously capture memories for odor stimuli, enabling odor recognition.

Our larger goal is to discover fundamental rules and mechanisms that govern information storage and retrieval in neural systems. Our current focus is establishing the changes in neural circuit and population dynamics that correspond to odor recognition. To do so, we leverage quantitative behavioral analysis, electrophysiological and optical monitoring of neural populations, and a broad array of tools for selectively influencing neural activity.

Recognition (Social)

Animals rely heavily on olfaction to identify and respond appropriately to social partners.

Odor stimuli constructed in the lab enable tight stimulus control, but differ dramatically from the complex, fluctuating blends encountered in nature. Studying olfactory processing in social contexts presents an opportunity to witness the system operating ‘in its element’.

We use large scale population recordings with calcium imaging and extracellular electrodes to learn how olfactory cortical areas process social stimuli and how their function changes in social settings. Targeted optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulations reveal how socially-driven neuromodulation affects dynamics and computation in olfactory circuits.